Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This and That

Still unemployed! This is getting old, first time in my life that I am feeling very unwanted!

Craig and Nathan had to replace the hot water tank yesterday, Craig and his dad put the old one in over 18 years ago. I guess that's not bad for a water heater but at this time of year and me still not working was not the greatest.

Nathan is now unemployed also, the boy scouts are on a huge decline and they had to let him go. He at least can get unemployment! Nathan has started a new hobby of singing with a couple Barber Shop Quartets... He is loving it. I really have to learn to post videos cause I tried to post the one of him singing at Christmas and couldn't get it to. :(

The regular season of basketball is over for Jon, but he has at least one playoff game on the 14th. They beat the team (Barboursville) they play twice so they may get a second playoff game. Oh, you thought I got a break after basketball right? Nope think again, this is All-County Band Season! Yup, he tried out and made it... so that involves a combined practice once a week and then the concert in March.

This picture is of Jon in the Marshall University Honor Band. Marshall has this day for High School and Middle School, they are chosen by their band teacher and they audition for what level they are at. Then placed in one of three classes White, Green and Gold Bands. Due to the day of the event being a snow day, over half of the students didn't show up so they auditioned them but left them all in one band. Jon was in the first band and second chair, not bad for a seventh grader! The girl to Jon's left (with glasses) was the first chair, she is also in the 7th grade but her dad is the area's leading trumpet instructor. Jon has never had formal lessons, started playing due to having to have a music class in middle school.

OH, you will not believe what I have been watching on TV EVERYDAY for the last few weeks! If you know me well at all, I do not watch much TV. For one I can't seem to sit still long enough and two there really isn't anything on TV that will do anything to change my life. Anyway, I have been watching the first years of Bones...

I have to go finish dinner, tonight is beef stew/cornbread.


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