Saturday, October 9, 2010

Change - Ready or Not

Change, like it or not? I don't like it when the grocery store changes the layout or fall turning to winter... Brrr... But I do like to change tablecloths.... Well anyway change is in the air so we might as well all go with it.

Craig and I have been going through ALOT of change. After much prayer and discussions we have closed the Charter side of Fellowship Tours. Another company in our area bought our biggest bus and we are trying to sell the other two. Some would call this a merger of the two companies, all the work that we have left has been given to them. When we first started talking to the owner of SVC, he wanted Craig to work along side him in the office area of the business. But, due to them also having their office working out of their home, that is not the case at the present time. Craig has been driving, and I don't think I like this part of the change. SVC is trying to locate a piece of property that they can either redevelop or build on, this will take months. In the meantime, Craig was called by a company in town and offered to apply to be working for them. So he did and now we are at a huge crossroads, does he wait out SVC or go a different direction?

On the Tour side of Fellowship Tours, I have three day trips left that I had in my brochure for 2010. I sent out a letter this week stating that we have closed the charter side, blah, blah, blah and that if the last three trips do not sell out, I am done too. I planned 25 trips this year and four have gone. Guess what? I have gotten one call, one! Sounds like I am done too. Although I did price three school trips this week, so I will have to wait to see if they are going. Change! So what do I do now? With Jon still in school it will be hard for me to have a full time job, but change is in the air so who knows what window God is going to open, cause I sure do think the door is closing!

On to more exciting news, Craig had his 50th birthday this week! We always try to have birthday dinner on the Sunday before the big day. I think my parents started this tradition! Anyway, I cooked dinner on Sunday and we had a great day. Then on his real birthday, Wednesday, Kelley made him a cake and she, Nathan and Jon brought it to bible study to surprise him. I had called to ask the pastor if it would be okay and he said sure that as soon as he saw her at the door he would close in prayer. So he said "Let us pray" and I guess I put my face down too fast or something, cause Craig looked at me and I still get that red face thing. So he knew something was up,but still they surprised him!

Have a great day...

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