Monday, December 27, 2010

December Post

Have you noticed that I post just before a new month starts? I am going to try and post more in 2011. Can you believe it is almost 2011? I can remember as a kid being afraid of 1984. Weird! Anyway so much has happened again between posts.

More change! Craig is still loving his job, he has been working all evenings which isn't all that great, but he has a job! He goes to work on average at 3:00 pm till 11:00 pm, so that means he doesn't get to see Jon. Craig has been offered an Associate Pastor position at a church that we go to on Sunday evenings, after much prayer he has accepted the position. He will be responsible for Senior Adults and working with the pastor on visitation. It is not a paid position so he will not be leaving his new job. He told the church that we attend now, the Sunday before Christmas that it was our last Sunday and we went to Cincinnati on the 26th and he will start at Harmony UMC on the 2nd of January.

Jon is in Basketball season... (I have no idea why/how that picture has '06 on it) he has 2hr practice Mon-Fri. The boys share the gym with the girls so they rotate practice either at 3pm after school or at 5pm. If the practice is late as many boys as will fit in my car come home with him, very interesting. They like me to have the Expedition on those weeks...

Kelley is still working and on break from school. She left this morning for Orlando, FL to go to the WV vs NC State bowl game. Of course they are for NC State and not WV, so she will be gone most of the week.

Nathan is still working and hanging out.

I'm still looking (not too hard) for a job.

Since all my Christmas cards have been sent I can now attach some of the pictures that I took

I made several more styles but didn't get their pictures taken. Above are a few of the cards that I made this year to send to family. Kelley made our regular picture card that we mailed to friends (the site won't let me copy it to show you) and then gave to family with their gifts. In 2011 I am going to continue to make cards throughout the year and sell them at the church bazaar. We'll see how that goes.
Oh my, what a day...

As a kid having an older brother, we would wake up early in the morning and open our presents and then go back to bed. Our parents would always come downstairs to a mess! For some reason my children have never done that and I think my brothers family open their gifts on Christmas Eve. So about 9am they woke up and we started opening presents. We have this thing where we open in rounds, meaning everyone has a gift and we watch as each person opens.

This really was a light Christmas for us money wise and it still took us till almost 11:30 to get finished! My breakfast casserole was well done and the grease was all over my oven. Luckily I have the double oven so Christmas Dinner could be made in the other oven and not smell up the whole house.

Everyone seemed well pleased with their gifts and then spent the day play/assembling/using their new "toys". Here are a couple of mine...

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I hope to chat with you again before the New Year!


Brenda said...

Hey, I see my Christmas card!!! Great job on all of them. I plan on cleaning up my room so I can be ready to make a card soon---I hope!How was Sandy?

Beth said...

Thanks! You better get it cleaned up I have been waiting 2 years for my Christmas card! Sandy looked good, was sitting on the couch.

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